Saturday, November 15, 2008

James' Birthday

James turned 2 years old yesterday. We had a small party for him with some family. Grandma, Granddaddy, Aunt Lana, Uncle Keith, Aunt Martha and soon-to-be Uncle Scott all came over. I had planned to get him a Mickey Mouse birthday cake but they all seemed too girly, so I changed plans at the last minute and get a Thomas the Train cake. He got lots of Thomas toys too, which he loves, so he may be developing an obsession with Thomas at 2 years old, like Megan developed her obsession with Dora at 2 years old. He's talking a lot more now. He calls waffles "faffles" and water "wa-wa" and he loves pointing out crosses and saying "He-sus" (Jesus). For some reason he calls Mickey Mouse "So-so" and Granddaddy is "La-la". I'm not sure where he got those from, but they are pretty funny, especially La La.

More later...Megan just threw up. :(

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